The Maloguas love tacos and waves. We also love New York because of the high concentration of quality people we know there. However, these three things usually come from very different places on the earth. Maybe, maybe not.
Brian Bencz of Laguna Republic surfboards who is not only a shaper but also a fine woodworker is the perfect guy to help me shape my alaia. We started with a 6'6" "Stuth" template that Jon had put on the blank but decided to enlarge it a bit to aid in paddling and getting into waves. So we decided to add an inch to the width and 2" to both the tail and nose. The result is a 6'10" x 17" stuth. We then cut it out and cleaned up the edges. So far its looks pretty good. Can't wait to try surfing the thing.
The morning of Cinco De Mayo 2009 - at Log Alert was issued at Thalia Street in Laguna Beach. Moderately high tide, glassy, empty and a 2-3 NW swell. I rode my alaia and actually got some fun waves on it for the first time.
Half way through the session, I fell off the board and grabbed it. It pivoted and cracked me in the eye (see photo above). Lesson learned: dont' be cavalier about grabbing alaia in the soup.