Thursday, September 25, 2014

Congratulations to this guy, Dr. @chadrico Chd, for being named CEO of the Surfrider Foundation. It's well deserved, hard earned, and #surfrider is in capable hands. Well done!

Congratulations to this guy, Dr. @chadrico Chd, for being named CEO of the Surfrider Foundation. It's well deserved, hard earned, and #surfrider is in capable hands. Well done!

Remember when we had waves here? #rinconpr #tbt #logging #harboursurfboards #ITexperiment

Remember when we had waves here? #rinconpr #tbt #logging #harboursurfboards #maloguas #ITexperiment

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ready & Waiting...And Still Waiting

So many logs, so many memories.
Ready to make new ones. A sides & B sides too.
And to make room for the new Malogua 
aka "The Obnoxious Stick" by Derelict Junction.  
Stay Tuned Cobbers...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

B-sides from the Vault

It is the Best of Times-An update from Time and Weather

The Maluagas are truly a sum of their parts. This is a great moment in Malogua history as we now have a clubhouse in Ghana and the ear of the new Strongman at Surfrider. I'm so stoked for you Rico and Pony, good on Ya! 

Thursday, September 04, 2014

NextGen Team Rider

It should be noted that this shredder and his brother were stoked to log in Ghana.

Gone to Ghana

Great week of multigenerational cobbling and charging in the land of Ghana - small sampling here. Water warm enough for spring suits and jackets.