Sunday, December 07, 2008

Good Things Happen to Good People

The Big Dipper scores a mint 9'11" Harbour Banana.


Titus Stokanstrength, MD said...

I'm not really sure what to say, how do you explain this type of serendiptiy. I called the guy, who needed some extra cash for xmas. He pulled up in his HB standard issue White Nissan pick-up and had in a brand new bag, this gem of a log. I quickly gave him the cash, returned to my home and started jonzing. I think it may be in new condition. I will be posting a family portrait of my logs this week. I'm so happy I could log the shit out of this thing!

Titus Stokanstrength, MD said...

I took this board out today at SH Porto and it is a real bad boy. I looked it up on the Harbour website and it was made in 1998! I think it has been dry docked for 10 years. The board is not as much of a death log as I used to, it is much closer in it's stature to a modern wingpin than a modern banana. All told it is Sick!A welcome addition to my growing family...of Harbours!

PRCOBB said...

Hey Cyobber,

If you want to unload it to a lighter guy, I'll take it off your hands!


Titus Stokanstrength, MD said...