Monday, March 23, 2015

Dear PR Cobb

Dear. PR Cobb,

I don't know who "T.dd Sp..tor MD" is, or for that matter, "who the hell he thinks he is" but I would never charge  for an eyecheck unless you showed up without cold beers. I'll reach out to Dr. Sp..ctor and the California Medical Board and see if I can get him to reverse the charges that his institution levied against you for what is apparently high quality medical care. It does not appear that he treated your back bain, anxiety, lack of sleep, agitation, difficulty concentrating or any of you other chronic and debilitating illnesses. It seems that he merely treated a case of Steptoe. I would recommend a good solid workout, a Pina, then apply some residue from you vaporizer to the affected appendage twice daily.

Titus Stokenstrength MD

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