Friday, March 18, 2011

A Tale of Two Ponys

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of death working, it was the age of cobbing, it was the epoch of strength, it was the epoch of weakness, it was the season of surfing, it was the season of getting shized out, it was the spring of sunny weather, it was the winter of fog & rain, we were ETN compliant, it was never again, we were all going directly to Tanuary, we were all going directly our separate ways.

Our story begins with our original Pony under a dark cloud, literally and figuratively, while getting shized out due to a fat high tide. Laguna's high tide breaks were searched to no avail. Breakfast at the OI was small consolation. At least some cobbing was done.

Later that day things took a turn for the better, when donning the official LR40 Tanuary uniform in preparation for a reunion with the other Pony for a Umphrey's McGee show.

Rico headed north, grabbed the Big Dipper and headed out for sushi prior to hitting the HOB for the Umphrey's show. UM sold the place out and rocked the house on a raucous St. Patty's Day night.

The Dipper & Rico enjoyed the backstage rage and meeting Pony2's home town crew. After a late nights journey back to Laguna, Pony2 and Rico headed down to Sano for some sunny Spring waves on a beautiful morning.

Pony2's determination & stoke resulted in a few successful rides and a significant advancement of his skillz. Thirty minutes into our session, the original Pony arrived and joined in the fun.

It was more than a meeting of names, it was a meeting of minds. As the saying goes, "Keep Cobbing and good things will happen!"